EMDS meeting 2021 is happening online!
Big news: The 34th Annual Conference of the European Macrophage and Dendritic Cell Society will take place… as a virtual event!
More info here!
Key dates:
> “When is it happening?” …June 24-25 2021.
> “Until when can I register?” …31 May 2021. Please do so here.
> “By when do I have to submit my abstract?” …30 April 2021. Please do so here.
> “How much will it cost?” …the meeting will be free for EMDS members!
Final scientific programme will be announced shortly. Stay tunes!

37th Annual EMDS conference, Vienna/Austria, November 27-29, 2024
Registration, speakers list and further infos can be found here: CLICK
36th Annual EMDS conference, Ghent/Belgium, October 18-20, 2023
Registration, speakers list and further infos can be found here: CLICK
Organizers: Charlotte Scott, Martin Guilliams, Bart Lambrecht, Miriam Merad
EMDS YI-Award 2021 – application deadline extended!
The deadline for applications for this year’s EMDS Young Investigator Award has extended. New deadline is June 10th!