Register Now!
There is an annual membership fee of € 50 for individuals. Corporate membership fees are set to a minimum of € 500.
Individual Members of the EMDS
- are admitted to the annual EMDS conference for a reduced registration fee
- are entitled to apply for the young investigator travel awards as well as for travel scholarships (see Awards and Scholarships)
- are entitled to announce “job offers (openings)” or “positions wanted” on the website of the EMDS (see job market)
Corporate EMDS Membership
- includes the benefits of EMDS membership for all employees
- will be acknowledged on the website of the EMDS (see List of EMDS Members) and in the program of the Annual EMDS meeting
- entails invitation to sponsor one of the awards (EMDS Award, Young Investigator Travel Award, EMDS Poster Prizes) or travel scholarships of the EMDS contingent upon the size of their annual contribution to the Society
- allows for announcements job offers on the website of the EMDS (see job market)
- includes invitations to all meetings, conferences, symposia or workshops held or supported by the Society as well as all other Society mailings
37th Annual EMDS conference, Vienna/Austria, November 27-29, 2024
Registration, speakers list and further infos can be found here: CLICK
36th Annual EMDS conference, Ghent/Belgium, October 18-20, 2023
Registration, speakers list and further infos can be found here: CLICK
Organizers: Charlotte Scott, Martin Guilliams, Bart Lambrecht, Miriam Merad
EMDS YI-Award 2021 – application deadline extended!
The deadline for applications for this year’s EMDS Young Investigator Award has extended. New deadline is June 10th!